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You are what you eat (2019) Performance with Beth Bramich, approx 35 minutes.
I do not publish videos or sound recordings of performances. On this page I have described the sequence of events in the performance, to accompany the images.
1. Read the citation on the coat in unison
2. Dress each other in the clothing exhibited in the show
3. Performance divided into five acts. To announce the next act, unfurl scrolls with the title, which are attached to the tabard Beth is wearing.
4. Read the narrative sewn on
Beth's sleeve. Beth speaks any
direct citations in the text.
5. For any errors in the citations, Beth speaks the usually silent [sic] and I reveal a cross-stitch [sic] hidden under the silk flap on the front of my tabard
6. Two thirds of the way through the performance, Beth reads a list of the foods I would eat if I had intestines made of glass. While this list is read, Carolina and Katie from Jupiter Woods emerge from the kitchen wearing red arrow gloves and carrying trays of buttered toast, which are handed to the audience.
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